How I wish you could have met her. She reminds me so much of you -- she has blue eyes like yours, and her laugh is infectious. Her favorite color is pink. You would have seen the irony in that.
She loves to cuddle with me. In the evening, before bedtime, she curls up next to me on the couch. She talks a lot now. Sometimes she tells me about her day, or about what we are watching on TV.
We like to read books together. She likes to point at the pictures and tell me what she sees. Sometimes she asks what the word is, and then she repeats it in the cutest little tentative voice. It feels like she is learning 100 words a day.
When she wakes up too early, I take her in the big bed with me for a cuddle. I am instantly transported back, 30-plus years and a couple hundred miles, to the big bed in the house in New Jersey. I can still feel how much I was loved. If nothing else, I hope to pass that on.
We miss you every day, but especially today. Happy birthday.
(also posted at blah blah blog)